Dairy farming in the northern United States during the winter months is cold, long, and tough. My family jokes around when we say a lot of what you do during the months of December, January, and February...
I know New Year's Day is just another day, but there’s just something about that new number that makes it feel different. It makes it feel like a fresh start, and we could use that for 2019
It was picture perfect. My wife was preparing an amazing meal in the kitchen, the kids were playing in the family room, and I was soaking it all in while holding my baby girl as she cooed and looked at...
As consumers continue to drive the market based on fear and misinformation while manufacturers continue to bend to their will, the dairy industry will continue to see useful technology challenged and marketed...
Uncertain times in the dairy world make our road to robotic milking scary, but here we go. We are finally finished with our plans to add robots on the sides of our conventional freestall flush barn
Dairies normally have guidelines for culling cows, but how many of you have written rules or at least go through and cull calves and heifers on a regular basis?
If you haven’t heard the expression, “It's hotter than Georgia asphalt," then you should take a trip to Georgia in the summer and walk across the asphalt without any shoes on
Many people are sitting next to us in cubicles or standing by us in the grocery line. Or in our case, it could be our neighbors, the sales rep, or a farmer just like us, who is struggling with physical...
First thing tomorrow morning I have to milk the cows, but I also cannot forget about the fresh heifer, I have to make sure the calves are fed, and then I need to hurry back to get the kids on the bus